The gynecomastia is a condition that causes excessive development of breast tissue in man. It has a high incidence in the male population, which can cause deterioration in the quality of life and serious psychological problems.

The mammary glandular tissue in men is scarce and does not exert any type of function, as in the case of women. In some men, the gland becomes larger due to an imbalance in the levels of androgens and estrogens (when there is a decrease in the first and an increase in the second) and as a consequence there is a bulging of the breast.


The increase in adipose tissue in the male chest is not symmetrical and can affect one or both breasts. It can appear in new-borns, in adolescence (it is a very common disorder at this stage of life, in most cases it is temporary) and in older men it appears when the body reduces the production of testosterone. Among the most common causes:

Iatrogenic: When a hormonal alteration (negative balance between the testosterone / estrogen ratio) occurs due to the consumption of certain medications. In these cases, it disappears when the pharmacological treatment is finished.

Pathological: Its origin is related to a disease that causes a hormonal disorder: Testicular, adrenal, pituitary or lung tumors, kidney diseases, thyroid, cirrhosis, testicular insufficiencies and Klinefelter syndrome. It should be borne in mind that in most cases we are faced with iatrogenic gynecomastias.

Anabolic: The consumption of steroids can cause the growth of the male breast.

Adipomastia: An overgrowth of adipose tissue. It appears due to excess fat in the body. In these cases, a balanced diet and sport are recommended (Specific exercises to strengthen and tone the chest). However, when it comes to non-diffuse and localized fat clumping, diet and physical activity are not always enough, so it can be corrected with a plastic surgery technique.


Through gynecomastia surgery in Panipat, the glandular tissue of the breasts is removed, and excess fat and skin is removed by the plastic surgeon in Panipat. The technique used varies depending on the needs of each patient. It is an outpatient process, that is, it is not necessary to spend the night in the hospital. In very specific cases, a hospital stay (1 night) may be necessary. The male breast reduction surgery in Panipat lasts between an hour and a half and two hours.

The gynecomastia is a very simple and painless surgery. The incision for the intervention is made through the areola, in the shape of a half moon. The gynecomastia surgery in Delhi is similar to that performed as a woman's augmentation. In the case of men, fat is removed, and the glandular tissue of the breasts. Sometimes it is accompanied with a small liposuction of the affected area to generate a more marked breast.


One week after the intervention, you can return to daily life if you do not perform activities that require strength work. To practice sports, you will have to wait at least a month.

The scars: Only a few stitches are made to place the cannula when liposuction is performed and in case of glandular extraction, the lower periareolar scar. In a few months the scars are invisible.

The dermis recovers very well with the help of a compression girdle (It is worn during the first month). The volume of skin that is removed is not so great that the skin becomes saggy. The definitive result is noticeable one month after the surgical intervention, although in some cases, it takes a little longer.


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