The Fundamental Role of Plastic Surgery in Healing The Outcomes of Obesity
Obesity is an increasingly widespread disease internationally, which arises for reasons of a behavioral, alimentary, genetic, psychological nature or often due to the sharing of the aspects listed above. Its negative effects on the health of patients are known, favoring the onset of other related diseases and seriously impacting the quality of life and health. Every patient suffering from severe obesity is a subject who, in order to start an effective healing process, must be assessed individually by a professional who is able first of all to identify the real cause of the problem, in order to be able to deal with it with the right means. Dealing with obesity is not easy. The first support to overcome the problem is usually provided by the figure of the Nutritionist, who accompanies the patient through a path of food education that requires time and perseverance. A complicated path whose success is by no means taken for granted and which...